Address: Buzand str. 7-10, Yerevan, Armenia   E-mail:   Phone։ +(374 10) 569 925, 569 915
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  • The center’s microbiology laboratory, one of its kind in Armenia, performs microbiological analysis using the Vitek 2 compact (BioMerieux, France) automatic analyzer, based on either express or classical microbiological methods.
  • The analyzer is used for the identification and determination of antibiotic resistance of anaerobic, and aerobic bacteria and fungi. The express method completes the analysis within 2-8 hours, while the classical method does so in 48-72 hours.
  • The laboratory uses medias, antimicrobial and antifungal discs and other substances provided exclusively by leading European companies (BioMerieux, Liofilchem).
  • All the necessary materials and instructions are given in the laboratory for correct specimen collection. Click here

Price list

Express microbiological researches, which conducted by Vitek 2 compact analyzer
Test name Price /Dram/ Duration
Microbiological examination of urine 25.000 1-2 days
Microbiological examination of  stool 25.000 1-2 days
Microbiological examination of urogenital lubricants 25.000 1-2 days
Microbiological examination of phlegm 25.000 1-2 days
Microbiological examination of  lubricants (from nose, throat, ears, eyes, gums, tongue, wound area, pus ) 25.000 1-2 days
Microbiological examination of tissues 25.000 1-2 days
Blood sterility (aerobe microorganisms, fungi) 25.000 5 days
Blood sterility (obligate anaerobe microorganisms) 25.000 7 days
Examination of  stool dysbiosis 25.000 3 days
Microbiological examination of  stool E.coli O157: H7 15.000 1 days
Microbiological examination of  stool, urine  Yersinina 15.000 2 days
Microbiological examination of  stool (Clostidrium difficile) 15.000 2 days
Streptococcus agalactiae (hemolytic Streptococcus of B group) screening of pregnant women 15.000 2 days

For foreign citizens the prices are doubled

Microbiological researches by classical methods
Test name Price /Dram/ Duration
Microbiological examination of urine 10.000 3-4 days
Microbiological examination of  stool 10.000 4 days
Microbiological examination of urogenital lubricants 10.000 4 days
Microbiological examination of phlegm 10.000 4 days
Microbiological examination of  lubricants (from nose, throat, ears, eyes, gums, tongue, wound area, pus ) 10.000 3-4days
Microbiological examination of tissues 10.000 3-4 days
Blood sterility (aerobe microorganisms, fungi) 15.000 5 days
Blood sterility (obligate anaerobe microorganisms) 15.000 7 days
Examination of  stool dysbiosis 12.000 5 days
Microbiological examination of  stool E.coli O157: H7 9.000 3 days
Microbiological examination of  stool, urine  Yersinina 9.000 4 days
Microbiological examination of  stool (Clostidrium difficile) 10.000 4 days
Streptococcus agalactiae (hemolytic Streptococcus of B group) screening of pregnant women 8.000 4 days
Examination of  stool (Rotavirus, Adeovirus) 6.000 1 day
Quantitative detection of M.hominis and U.urealyticum in urognital lubricants, ejaculate and urine (antibiotic sensitivity ) 15.000 48 hours
Qualitative detection of M.hominis and U.urealyticum in urognital lubricants and urine 10.000 48
Quantitative detection of M.hominis and U.urealyticum in urogenital lubricants and ejaculate (antibiotic sensitivity) and screening of 10 urogenital infections 22.000 48 hours
Helicobacter pylori stool Ag examination of stool 8.000 1 day
Occult blood in the stool 8.000 1 day
Giardia Lamblia Ag examination of stool 8.000 1 day
Hair, nail, skin scraping microbiological examination for fungi detection 7000 3-10 days
Hair, nail, skin scraping microbiological examination for fungi detection (microscopic) 5.000
Examination of Demodex 6.000
Microscopical examination of phlegm (AFB detection) 4.000
Rota-adenovirus 8.000
Influenza A+B test 8.000

For foreign citizens the prices are doubled

«Սիրմեդ» ՍՊԸ կողմից իրականացվող լաբորատոր ախտորոշիչ կլինիկական, կենսաքիմիական /բիոքիմիական/, շճաբանական /սերոլոգիական/, իմունոլոգիական, գենետիկական՝ ՊՇՌ /PCR/, բջջաբանական և մանրէաբանական հետազոտությունների անցկացման գործընթացը կանոնակարգելու մասին 01 հոկտեմբերի 2015թ. թիվ 65Ա հրամանին ծանոթանալու համար սեղմել այստեղ: